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ChatgptConfidence Score of ChatGPT

Confidence Score of ChatGPT

Implementing a self-evaluation mechanism within ChatGPT can enhance the reliability of its responses. By prompting the model to review its own outputs and assign confidence scores, you can gain insights into the accuracy of the information provided. Here’s how you can structure such prompts:

1. Self-Evaluation Prompt:

Encourage ChatGPT to assess its previous response by asking:

“Please review your previous response and evaluate its accuracy. Assign a confidence score between 0 and 100, where 100 indicates complete confidence in the correctness of the information provided. Additionally, specify any uncertainties or potential inaccuracies present in your response.”

2. Fact-Checking Prompt:

Prompt ChatGPT to verify its statements by querying:

“Cross-reference your previous response with reliable sources. Based on this verification, assign a confidence score between 0 and 100, indicating the accuracy of your response. Provide citations for the sources consulted and highlight any discrepancies or confirmations found.”

3. Iterative Refinement Prompt:

Encourage iterative improvement by stating:

“Re-examine your previous response and identify any areas that may require correction or clarification. After making necessary adjustments, assign a confidence score between 0 and 100 to the revised response, and explain the rationale behind the assigned score.”

Implementation Considerations:

  • Limitations: While these prompts can enhance response reliability, they are not foolproof. The model’s self-assessment is based on its training data and may not always accurately reflect real-world facts.

  • Human Oversight: It’s advisable to use these self-evaluation mechanisms as supplementary tools, complementing human judgment and external verification, especially for critical or complex information.

By incorporating these prompts into your interactions with ChatGPT, you can foster a more reflective and self-critical approach, potentially increasing the accuracy and trustworthiness of the generated content.


  • 意味: 強い恐怖や驚き、寒さなどでひどく震えること。
  • 例:
    • 犯人にナイフを突きつけられて震え上がる → 恐怖で全身が震える。
    • 厳しい寒さに震え上がる → 寒さのあまり、ひどく震える。


Please review this and evaluate its accuracy. Assign a confidence score between 0 and 100, where 100 indicates complete confidence in the correctness of the information provided. Additionally, specify any uncertainties or potential inaccuracies.


  • 意味: 互いに震える、または震えを共有すること。ただし、この表現は日常会話ではあまり使われない。
  • 例:
    • 恐怖の中で仲間と震え合う → 共通の恐怖を感じて一緒に震える。



  • 意味: 二つのものを震えさせながら触れ合わせる、または動揺を互いに確認するような状態。ただし、かなり特殊な表現で、文学や創作の場で使われることが多い。
  • 例:
    • 恋人たちが手を震え合わせる → 恐れや緊張の中でお互いの手を触れ合わせる。



  • 意味: 恐怖や寒さなどで体が縮こまり、震えが続く様子を表す。ただし、この言葉も日常会話ではやや珍しい。
  • 例:
    • 寒い部屋で毛布に包まりながら震えこむ → 寒さで体を縮めて震える。
    • 怒りに震えこむ → 怒りが強く、体が震えて動けなくなる。



  • 震え上がる → 恐怖や寒さで強く震える(最も一般的)。
  • 震え合う → 互いに震えを共有する(詩的表現)。
  • 震え合わせる → 二つのものを震えさせて触れ合わせる(創作的なニュアンス)。
  • 震えこむ → 震えたまま縮こまる、動けなくなる(やや珍しい)。

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