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WriteAI and calculator

AI and calculator

So I am trying to write an essay or write an article about AI and calculator. I think that like we were learning mathematics in primary school or even before that we will do those calculation by our hands or use paper and pen to write the process of like the one number plus another number plus another or to do that products to the division something like that well actually after after we like finish our third grade 3 or third grade I don’t know we usually are allowed to use Calculator to do the basic calculation like why before that we were told to avoid use calculation and if we use calculate calculation calculator if we use calculator to do the like homework or exercise we will be considered cheating, but after th we can absolutely use the calculator to help us do the more difficult calculation problems like firstly I want to think about why we use calculator. We can, of course do the calculation by hands on paper or in our mind imagination if you are powerful enough to use your heart or something like mind calculation, but like for example myself, I of course choose use Calculator because I think Calculator is better than me is more reliable than my hand processed calculation so I think I use calculator because I believe it because it’s I believe it is reliable than me. It’s more the correctness of it is more than me and I think some tedious work I can do but I might be wrong like there are some kind of person person person person know how to pronounce it percent right yeah yeah percent percent like the correctness percent of Calculator is more than my hand handmade calculation I think maybe that’s why we choose to use Wikipedia that’s why we choose or I choose to use AI. There are something I can do. The AI can do better of course if I have the time and energy I can memorize many many things so many things instead of look at Wikipedia when I need to confirm or get some information about something and of course I can go to the library to do the research on my own to read plenty of books to get the answer, it might be more reliable than Wikipedia, but maybe I’m not. I’m not eager to get the correctness of the answer more than Wikipedia and Wikipedia the easy way that’s why I think most of us will use AI. We can use AI together the quick answer and the correct person might be. I don’t know maybe it’s more thanI know. I got it like there is kind of parameter or equation or milestone that how much correctness you can get during unit time and energy we can use this to compare each way.

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