Xr Calendar

xr calendar

I want to create an XR calendar.

It would function similarly to how people raise Pokémon on their phones, but the calendar would be floating within the camera's viewfinder.

Of course, the background can be any virtual environment as well.

I use "XR" as a collective term for AR, VR, and MR.

I believe this approach can solve the issue of phone screens being too small.

It's similar to using Figma, where you can move around the frame (artboard), or in Excel, where you can scroll to view different parts of the sheet.

I want to build a large XR calendar, where users can see the entire structure in a virtual 3D space using their phone, or focus on specific parts just like they would in a regular app (or window).

This could also apply to map applications—zooming in for details, and zooming out for the bigger picture.

Do not shoot this.