

Language is primarily a tool for communication rather than thought [pdf] (Score: 153+ in 4 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6a6eS (opens in a new tab) Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6a6eS (opens in a new tab)

Local First, Forever (🔥 Score: 151+ in 1 hour) crdt

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6afT3 (opens in a new tab) Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6afT3 (opens in a new tab)

https://documate.site/ (opens in a new tab) Make your doc site intelligent An open-source tool for embedding AI chat dialog into your doc site to answer user questions based on your content.

Show HN: I made tool that let's you see everything about any website (Score: 153+ in 12 hours)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/6a6Nz (opens in a new tab) Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/6a6Nz (opens in a new tab)

Yes, it's open source: https://github.com/lissy93/web-check (opens in a new tab) :) Why I'm building this? There are a lot of tools out there for discovering meta and security data relating to a website, IP or server. But currently, there isn't anything that does everything, all in one place and without a paywall/ user sign up. It's still a WIP, and I'm working on a new version, with some more comprehensive checks, so any feedback would be much appreciated :)

Software design gets worse before it gets better (❄️ Score: 150+ in 2 days)

Link: https://readhacker.news/s/69Vuu (opens in a new tab) Comments: https://readhacker.news/c/69Vuu (opens in a new tab)

Do not shoot this.