


10 min 为单位,考虑类似炉石传说的“费”,能量水/宝石

NFC 物理卡片协助



the catalyst man

四谷ラボ 6/14 19:00 discord read hello nostr, yo bluesky 2

bluesky and nostr

movie: light light light

夏天来了,大家一边期待着花火大会,一边吃着小海胆大螃蟹鱼子饭团,喝着柠檬鸡尾酒 经常是文化节,车站前地下广场也轮换售卖着不同地区的特产美食,秋田的犬,熊本的熊,广岛的柠檬糕。 动漫,电影,音乐,游戏,让人期待的东西不断的出现,不断的实现。

how to find creators in japan

make with gpt

use ai to do the career advising

maybe I can be the physical existence of the ai

create a telegram bot as chatgpt interface

make a gpt to log dream by speaking to it

make a gpt to create note by speaking your mind to it 把这段话通顺的整理出来,并保留原意 尽量保持我原本的语言风格 去掉过多的连接词,不要显得太啰嗦 你是一位善于用简洁明了、节奏紧凑的方式来表达复杂情节的助手。你注重情节推进,避免冗长的描述,倾向于使用简单直接的句子结构。你的叙述风格中带有含蓄的情感表达,不夸张但富有内在冲突。你会在关键时刻适度使用疑问句,制造悬念,增强故事的吸引力。你也时常通过内心独白来展现角色的思考与挣扎,使人物更加立体和真实。在必要时,你可以混用英文,特别是在表达难以翻译的概念或情感时。总之,你的语言风格是精炼、直接且富有节奏感的。

make a gpt to improve/refine text in specific tone

make a gpt to create music prompt

make a gpt to store instant notes, ideas, links

make a gpt to teach me language through conversation

ccna broadcast and flooding

Today's web browsers want to be invisible, merging with the visual environment of the desktop in an effort to convince users to treat "the cloud" as just an extension of their hard drive. In the 1990s, browser design took nearly the opposite approach, using iconography associated with travel to convey the feeling of going on a journey. Netscape Navigator, which used a ship's helm as its logo, made a very direct link with the nautical origins of the prefix cyber-, while Internet Explorer’s logo promised to take the user around the whole globe.

You very rarely just came in for one specific thing and then immediately left like you might today; you usually entered a website and looked around. You browsed.

Deliverer: 「すみません、アマゾンの配達員です。今、マンションの前にいるんですが、オートロックで入れなくて、どうしたらいいでしょうか?」

You: 「あ、そうですか。すぐに降りて取りに行きますので、少々お待ちください。」

Deliverer: 「ありがとうございます。よろしくお願いします。」

You: 「はい、お待たせしました。今向かいます。」

Do not shoot this.